Does Washington DC Deserve Statehood?
The capital of the United States is similar to a state, but it is not classified as one. With its own license plates, local government, and a large population, many have argued that DC has the makings of a state. Others, however, emphasize the original intent of the Founding Fathers or suggest other ways to incorporate DC’s citizens into the existing state system. Should DC become a state, or should it remain a special district? Come join us at Phi Kappa Hall this Thursday at 7pm to debate the resolution BIHR: The District of Columbia should be granted statehood. Brother John Radford will provide the first affirmation, while Sister Abbey Hensley will negate first.
After our main debate, we will have orations and creative writings, and recess to Fuzzy’s Tacos for dinner and fellowship. Hope to see you there!
Phi Kappa Literary Society is a debate and literary organization founded in 1820. We meet every Thursday at 7pm to debate a wide variety of topics. We focus on excellent oration and debate, and strong connections among members. We encourage and welcome guests at every debate, and love hearing guests speak. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @phikappasociety, and like our Facebook page, Phi Kappa Society, for more updates about our upcoming events! For more information, email phikappals@gmail.com!