Spread the Word

Join the Controversy every Thursday at 7 o'clock.

Stay up to date on our weekly debates on our Instagram @phikappasociety!

Have a topic you want to see debated in our Hall?
Send us an e-mail to phikappals@gmail.com

We strive to improve our members' skills in debate and oration by carefully choosing stimulating debate resolutions for each meeting.

We workshop definitions for our debates so that every speaker, member or guest, can be on the same page to facilitate a productive,
well-rounded discourse no matter how intense, sensitive, or research-based the topic. Additionally, we hold impromptu, extemporaneous debates after we return from our 45 minute recess.

Special thanks to the PR Committee and Phi Kappa's Graphic Designers for all of the time and dedication that they spend on Phi Kappa's debate flyers.

Thank you to all our former webmasters for designing our PAST posters!